Help Conserve Energy

There are many habits around the house that will help conserve energy and in the long run save you money. Turn down the thermostat a few degrees and put on a sweater; unplug all those unused chargers and devices; turn off the lights when you leave a room... make these things habits and you could see the difference.

Weather Update

We are expected to get some rain tonight and then the temperatures will fall. Today is one of the last good days to get errands done, make sure you have fuel in your car and have groceries and medications on hand. Monday and Tuesday wind chills are expected to be in the single digits! Be safe.

Extreme Cold Ahead

Cooperative Principle #7 - Concern for Community - that is why we share weather information! We want everyone to be aware and stay safe. It's still January in the Ozarks and we need to prepare for cold weather that is coming in to the area. Temp and wind chills are going to be dangerously cold. Be weather aware.

Generator Safety

Keep your family safe! Nearly 70% of portable generator related deaths occur at home. Never run a generator indoors — always operate outdoors. Be sure to have a carbon monoxide alarm installed on every floor, ensure it has not expired and check it monthly for proper operation.

Home Fire Prevention

During the winter months, when space heater and electric blanket use is increased, pay extra attention to safety. To help keep your home and family safe, install smoke alarms on every floor of your home and outside all sleeping areas and test them once a month.

Crew Returns Home

HOEC linemen returned home from Black River Electric Cooperative over the weekend. Josh Hackworth, Austin Wood, Dakota McDaniel, Mike Buehler, Caleb Wells, Jacob Mitchell, Dwight Eden and Jerry Mullen worked last week at BREC helping restore power for members.