M & M Bakery, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
M L C Construction, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
M L C Construction, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
M L S Farms, Pocahontas AR, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
M, L C Construct, Peace Valley MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
M08615001 Sue, Pomona MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mabe, James, Alton MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maberry, Melvin L, Mountain View MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mabry, Moudie, Caulfield MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Macgrath, Robert, Woonsocket RI, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Macias, Martin de Leo, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maciejewski, Ray & Dean, Mountain View MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mackey, David & Miriam, Mountain Grove MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Macy, Nick K, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Madden, Billy & Monica, Couch MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Madden, Carroll E & I, S Greenfield MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Madden, David & Robin, Thayer MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Madden, John W, Dora MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Madden, John W, Dora MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Madden, Lenard, Koshkonong MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maddux, Christie L, Willow Springs MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maddux, Dennis & Chris, Willow Springs MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Madison, William, Birch Tree MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Madison, William W, Eagle River AK, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Magenot, Don, Vermillion SD, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maggard, Allen, Willow Springs MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maggard, Dale & June, Willow Springs MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maggard, George E, Salem MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maggard, Roger & Telina, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maggard, Tammy, Willow Springs MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maggard, Tammy S, Willow Springs MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Magnuson, Gary & Sissy, Koshkonong MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Magnuson, Sissy, Koshkonong MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Clinton & Kathy, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Diana K, Willow Springs MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Dohna, Gainesville MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Don & Leslie, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, June, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Kristina, Eminence MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Larry C & Sharon, Salesville AR, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Lois, Eminence MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Richard G, Eminence MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Richard G & Kare, Eminence MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Tom, Springfield MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahan, Victoria, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahin, David, Kilgore TX, $300 - $325 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mahoney, Cleo, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Main, Clarence & Marg, Moody MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Main, Michael J & Barb, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mainprize, Coy, Springfield MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mainprize, Coy, Thayer MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mainprize, George & Deb, Pass Christian MS, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mainprize, Howard, Thayer MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mainprize, O O, Thayer MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Major, J V, Thayer MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Majors, Cory & Sherry, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maka, Larry, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Malenke, Dale & Mary L, West Plains MO, $375 - $400 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mallonee, David & Kim, Thayer MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Malone, Oscar, Koshkonong MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maloy, Damon & Jill, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maloy, George & Carol, Pomona MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maloy, George L & Carol, Willow Springs MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mandigo, William H, West Plains MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maness, Howard & Joseph, Dora MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maness, Josephine, Mountain Grove MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Manger, Shawn & Sherry, Mammoth Spring AR, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mangold, Donald & Fern, Couch MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Manis, Kevin, Chattanooga TN, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Manis, Richard & Patric, Point Pleasant WV, over $500 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Manker, Dorothy, Thayer MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Manley, Avis, Bakersfield MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Manley, Darius, Bakersfield MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Manley, Laverne, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mann, Gary & Chr, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Manning, Roy & Alice, Pomona MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Manning, Virginia S, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mannis, Richard & Cind, Eminence MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mannis, Richard & Cindy, Salem MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mansfield, Eric, New Bloomfield MO, $300 - $325 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mantonya, Deborah, Dora MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mapes, Robert & Betty, Koshkonong MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maples, Wm R, Taylor Ridge IL, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marcani, Paul & Judy, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marchese, Meta B, Pomona MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marcum, Mary, Koshkonong MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Margarum, Gary, Teresita MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marhefka, Tom, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mark Hall's Furnitur, West Plains MO, over $500 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Markell, Scott & Marcie, Gainesville MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Markham, Virgil, Warrenton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Markin, Patsy M, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marks, Dolores E, Thayer MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Markum, Cledyth W & Dora, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Markum, Don F & Chris, Caulfield MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Markum, James & Lisa, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marley, Norman & Ruby, Thayer MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marlow, John & Theresa, Birch Tree MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marquardt, Evelyn L, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marquardt, Paul & Eleanor, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marquette, George & Lin, Watertown WI, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marquette, Vernon E, Alton MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marrs, David & Betty, Ava MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marrs, Glenda D, Birch Tree MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marsh, Jason, Caulfield MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marshall, Fern, Mammoth Spring AR, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marshall, James D & Lyn, Monroe NC, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marshall, Janet L, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marshall, John A, Moline IL, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marshall, Kevin D, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marshall, Matthew, West Plains MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marshall, Ron, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marshell, Mark, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marston, Robert & Laura, Dora MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martens, Doyle & Deanna, Chillicothe MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martens, Richard & Mari, Bee Branch AR, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Bill, Montier MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Bill & Glenda, Jackson MS, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Bill & Nellowen, Tecumseh MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, C E, Mooresville NC, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Carmen, Mountain View MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Carmen, Mountain View MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Carolyn, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, David & Dolly, Sullivan MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Denver & Norma, Eminence MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Donald R, Birch Tree MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Donnie Ray, Thayer MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Donnie Ray, Thayer MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Dorothy Ivene, Dora MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Dwight & Kimber, Couch MO, $275 - $300 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Emery, Eminence MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Erman & Dorothy, Winona MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Eugene, Star MS, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Eunice W, Winona MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Frances, Mooresville NC, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Fred, West Plains MO, $275 - $300 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Freeman, Birch Tree MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, G W, Winona MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, George, Birch Tree MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, George O, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Glenna, Birch Tree MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Jack, Mountain View MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Jackie, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Jackie, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, James, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, James L, Dora MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Joe & Alma, Willow Springs MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, John & Terry, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, K Richard & Car, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Kermit, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Lane & Druscill, Mountain View MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Leonard D, Birch Tree MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Lewis & Neva, Thayer MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Lisa, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Lisa M, Willow Springs MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Michael R, Trumann AR, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Mike & Rose, Myrtle MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Norma, Eminence MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Norma, Eminence MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Opal, Thayer MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Paul, Alton MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Ray & Wa, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Robert, Thayer MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Robert, Centerville MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Robert, Couch MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Robert & Karla, Couch MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Robert & Karla, Couch MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Robert E, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Robt L & Eunic, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Rudolph & Lou, Gainesville MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Rudolph & Lou, Tecumseh MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Sammie A & Evel, Mountain View MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Sarah A, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Sarah E, Thayer MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Sherry, Birch Tree MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Steve & Ruth, Dora MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Terry, Dora MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Tim, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Tom, Saint Louis MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Virgil E, Birch Tree MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Wilda, West Plains MO, $250 - $275 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Wilda S, Dora MO, over $500 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Willard Ray, Caulfield MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Willard Ray, Caulfield MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martin, Wilma Jean, Mountain View MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martindale, Robert Sc, Cabool MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martinez, David & Debra, Hamilton NY, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martino, Madge, Chicago IL, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Martins Salvage Groc, Thayer MO, $300 - $325 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marty, Fred & Marty, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Marycrest Lodge, Sun City AZ, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mask, Rick, Dora MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mason, Carol, Koshkonong MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mason, Gay W, Pomona MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mason, Jerry & Jeanie, Birch Tree MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Masonic, Hall, Birch Tree MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massengill, Bill & Lu, Navarre FL, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massengill, Nila Jean, Springfield MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Brian, Marshall MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Carrie J, Dora MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Chas N, Dora MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Christop, Vanzant MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Fred, Mammoth Spring AR, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Jerome, Drury MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Jerome & Mary, Drury MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Keith & Jessica, Gainesville MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Lora, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Lora, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Massey, Novas, Mountain Grove MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mast, David & Susan, Mountain View MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Master, Randall & Judit, Pittsburg NH, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Masters, Peggy, Blue Springs MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Masters, Sarah E, Omaha NE, $275 - $300 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Masterson, Thomas F, Willow Springs MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mastrangelo, Domenick, Norwood MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matejek, Frank & Mari, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matejek, John, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matheis, George, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matheny, Elizabeth A, Alton MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matheny, John & Ruth, Exline IA, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mather, L T & Mary, Caulfield MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mather, L T & Mary, Caulfield MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mather, L T & Mary, Caulfield MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mather, L T & Mary, Caulfield MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mathers, Lois, Thayer MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mathieu, John & Ruth, Willow Springs MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mathis, Jim & Beth, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mathis, Randall W, Koshkonong MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matlock, Greg, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matlock, Greg, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mattes, Brian, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matteson, Joyce, Willow Springs MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matteson, Michael & Mar, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matthews, Delmar & Marl, Moody MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Matthews, Don & Norma, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mattison, Leota, Birch Tree MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mattison, Sandra, Summersville MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mattison, Veda, Mountain View MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mauldin, Bessie, Winona MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mauldin, Mike, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mauldin, Nellie, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mauldin, Nellie, Weatherford TX, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mauldin, Otto, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mauldin, Thurman, Alton MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mauldin, Truman & Mildred J, Thayer MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mault, William C, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maupin, Charles & Mary, Alton MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maupin, Charles & Mary, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maurer, David (Sr), San Diego CA, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maurer, Martin, Tecumseh MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mautner, Jay, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mawhiney, Nancy J, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maxey, H A, Greenville TX, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Claudie, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Dorman, Pottersville MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Dorman & Joyce, Caulfield MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Eva Louise, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Herbert E & Sheila K, Manila AR, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Laurel, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Marc & Pame, Mountain View MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Marc & Pamela, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Marc & Pamela, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Orbie & Wilma, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
May, Virginia, Pottersville MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayberry, Bud, Willow Springs MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayberry, Fred & Tammy, Willow Springs MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayberry, Jacob W & Am, Mountain View MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayberry, James & Sher, Vanzant MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayberry, Linda K, Creve Coeur MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayberry, Melvin L, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayer, Donald & Patrici, Mountain View MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayer, Eleanor Ruth, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayer, Maureen, Willow Springs MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayfield, Coy, Willow Spgs MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayfield, Larland B, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayfield, Robert & Susa, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maynard, Opal, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maynard, Sam L (Jr) & Elizabeth, Pomona MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maynard, William & Rosa, North Little Rock AR, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mayou, Ralph J & Ruby, Pomona MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mays, Charles (Jr) & Mari, Reeds Spring MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mays, Charlie (Jr) & Mari, Koshkonong MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mays, Damon, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Maze, Derek & Lisa, House Springs MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mazingo, Kerry, Aurora CO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mazingo, Kerry & Tammy, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAdams, Dale, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAdams, Dennis & Marth, Mountain View MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAfee, Bruce, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAfee, Gary, Winona MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAfee, James, Winona MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAfee, Jennifer, Birch Tree MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAfee, Jennifer, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAlister, Lucille, Crane MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAlmond, Randy & Marlisa, Alton MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAmis, Roy & Freda, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAmis, Roy & Freda, Bakersfield MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McAmis, Sherri, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McArthur, Reuben & Ruby, Myrtle MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride Sawmill, Winona MO, over $500 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Benny & Wendy, Mountain View MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Bernice, Winona MO, over $500 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Betty, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, David, Eminence MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Eldon & Virgin, Birch Tree MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Eldon K, Slippery Rock PA, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Ernest (Jr), Mountain View MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Ernest (Jr), Mountain View MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Ernst & Gertud, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Harrison & Ret, Mountain View MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Jo, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Joe B, Bakersfield MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, Melinda, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBride, William, Mountain View MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McBroom, Charles, Ossining NY, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCabe, John, Eminence MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCain, Martin, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCall, Ray O, Mountain Grove MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCallister, Stacee, Salem AR, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCampbell, Douglas, Eminence MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCann, Thalia, Mountain View MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCarley, Mike, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCart, Earl, Mountain Grove MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCart, Harmon & Hazel, Willow Springs MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCart, Junior, Willow Springs MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCarthy, Steve, Pomona MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCarthy, Steve, Pomona MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCarty, Chris & Georgi, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCarty, E O & Ruby, Caulfield MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCarty, Mike, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCarty, William D, Mountain View MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCary, John M, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCaslin, Kenneth & Mar, Westville FL, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCauley, Matthew & She, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCaulley, Harry & Jean, Nixa MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClain Forest Produ, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClain, Forest, Alton MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClain, Forest Produ, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClain, Forest Produ, Alton MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClain, Forest Produ, Alton MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClanahan, Lado, Alton MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClary, J W, Ava MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClellan, Fred, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClellan, Wayne & Cath, Carl Junction MO, $325 - $350 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClintock, Mary, Myrtle MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClintock, Wes & Donna, Willow Springs MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCloskey, James, Birch Tree MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCloskey, Jim & Marci, Mountain View MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCloy, James & Janet, Willow Springs MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClure, Nancye Jane, Soddy Daisy TN, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McClure, Shelly, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCluskey, Jimmie R, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCollister, Terrance & Judy, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCollom, Joe, Little Rock AR, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McConnaha, Jeff & Ashley, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McConnell, Alberta R, Eminence MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McConnell, Jewell, Bakersfield MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McConnell, Phillip, Koshkonong MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCord, David, Willow Springs MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCormack, Roderick S, Cleveland OK, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCormack, Roderick S & Mildred, Cleveland OK, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCormick, Donna F, West Plains MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCormick, John, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCoy, James, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCracken, Connie, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCracken, Guy, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCracken, Kevin & Barb, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCracken, Mike, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCrackin, Danny L, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCrackin, Jack & Opal, Koshkonong MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCrackin, John, Koshkonong MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCrackin, Melba, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCrackin, Wanita G, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCradic, Billy, Thayer MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCrary, Don & Dorothy, West Plains MO, $275 - $300 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCreary, Joyce, Birch Tree MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCreary, Joyce, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCreery, Lora, Thayer MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCrone, Carmen, Birch Tree MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCulley, Lillia, Thayer MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCullough, Char, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCurter, James R, Pocahontas AR, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McCutchen, O K, Springfield OH, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDaniel, Chester & M, Cabool MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDaniel, Genara, Winona MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDaniel, James & Norma, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDaniel, Jean, Granite City IL, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDaniel, Ray, Goshen AR, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDaniel, Robert, Bucyrus MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDaniel, Robert D, Flat Rock MI, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDonald Mobile Home, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDonald, Joe & Alice, Thayer MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDonnell, Rose, Gainesville MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDonnell, Rose M, Newmarket NH, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDonnell, Thomas, Thayer MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDowell, Elmer, Birch Tree MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McDowell, Margaret J, Pevely MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McElyea, Terry & Teresa K, Springfield MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McEntyre, Everett, Allegan MI, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFann, Barbara, Doniphan MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFann, Noble & Edna, Myrtle MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFarland, Christine, Tecumseh MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFarland, E G & Ronda, Macomb MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFarland, Larry & Marj, Newton IA, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFarland, Leonard E, Thayer MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFaul, April, Pottersville MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFaul, J B & Sandra, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFaul, Jb & Slw, Pottersville MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFaul, Joe B & Sandra, Pottersville MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McFeeters, Walter & D, Versailles MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGann, Viola G, Belleair FL, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGary, Roscoe & Fran, Birch Tree MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGary, Roscoe & Fran, Birch Tree MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGaughey, Claudia, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGauley, Dean & Betty, Bakersfield MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGee, Janet, Gatewood MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGee, M L & Pamela, Thayer MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGee, Mac, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGee, Olin, Birch Tree MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGee, Van & Shelly, Birch Tree MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGhee, Barbara S, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGhee, Gene, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGibney, Jane, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGibney, Jane, Alton MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGiboney, Paul & Evely, Thayer MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGillem, Aubrey (Jr), West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGinnis, Bill, Zanoni MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGinnis, Gary, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGinnis, Michae, Thayer MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGinnis, Reba, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGinnis, William, Zanoni MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGlasson, Louis & Ann, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGoldrick, Blandy, Caulfield MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGoldrick, Cynthia, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGoldrick, Mildred, Corona CA, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGoldrick, Sammie & Cy, West Plains MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGoldrick, Sammie & Je, Marietta GA, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGowan, Jeremy, Mountain Grove MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGowen, Ronnie, Pomona MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGrath, Michael & Ange, Willow Springs MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGrew, Allen & Sula, Bradley OK, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGuire, Devin, Winona MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McGuire, John & Debra, Drury MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McHenry, Frank, Hazelwood MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McIlvenna, Verna, West Plains MO, $350 - $375 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McIntare, John & Meli, Alton MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McIntire, Aaron, Alton MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McIntire, Donald L, Columbia MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McIntire, Edwin, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McIntire, Harold & Jackie, Rogersville TN, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McIntire, Tammie, Eminence MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKee, Bobby & Amy, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKee, Grover, Aberdeen SD, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKee, Jonathan, Birch Tree MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKenzie, G C (Jr), West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKenzie, James, Homosassa Springs FL, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKenzie, James, Brandsville MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKenzie, Jerrol, Caulfield MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKenzie, Jerrol, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKenzie, Jim & Minerva, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKenzie, Minerva, Brandsville MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKey, Mike, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKillip, Willia, Dora MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKinley, Kimberly, Winona MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKinney, Bobby R & S, Ash Flat AR, $250 - $275 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKinney, Kristina, Mammoth Spring AR, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKinney, Wanda J, West Plains MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKinnon, Edith, Tecumseh MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKinnon, Michael & Car, Gatewood MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKinnon, Michael & Car, Gatewood MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McKinzie, George & Bett, Mountain View MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McLain, Carolyn, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McLarning, Brenda, Mountain Home AR, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McLaughlin, Kyle, Kimberling City MO, over $500 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McLaughlin, Lee & Alice, Caulfield MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McLauren, Walter J, Eminence MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McLean, John & Susan, Mountain Grove MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McLeer, Daniel & Noriko, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McLouth, Marvin & Diane, Germantown WI, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McMahon, John, Kenai AK, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McManus, Frank B & P, Mountain View MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McManus, Phyllis, Mountain View MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McMillan, Carl & Ann, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McMullen, Darrell & A, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McMurtrey, Lowell & Mar, Willow Springs MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McMurtrey, Neal, Thayer MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McMurtrey, Opal, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McNabb, Taylor & Minnie, Thayer MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McNew, Darwin & Patty, Birch Tree MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McPherson, Arthur, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McPherson, Roger & Debr, Thayer MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McQuitty, Gerald & Bobb, Peace Valley MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McQuitty, Phila, Peace Valley MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McRae, Mike & Michelle, Thayer MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McReynolds, James, Willow Springs MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McReynolds, John, Montello NV, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McReynolds, L G, Willow Springs MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McReynolds, Mark, Rolla MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McSweeney, Lillian, Mountain View MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McTaggart, Jack, Anchorage AK, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McThompson, Harry & B, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McVicker, Bobby L, Mountain View MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
McWilliams, Norma, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meade, Susan J, Koshkonong MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meade, Susan J, Houston MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meagher, Walter & Barb, Caulfield MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meal, Marry Sue, Willow Spgs MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medearis, Jerry L, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medina, Gary & Barbara, Pomona MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medley, Lucille L, Des Moines WA, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medlock, David & Penny, Vanzant MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medlock, David & Penny, Vanzant MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medlock, David & Penny, Vanzant MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medlock, David A, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medlock, Ronnie & Charl, Houston MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medlock, Scott & Meliss, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medlock, Tommy & Gladys, Ava MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Medlock, Trudi, West Plains MO, $425 - $450 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meek, Frank & Mary, Fort Worth TX, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meek, Franklin D & Pame, Birch Tree MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meier, Cynthia E, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meier, John E, Couch MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meier, Juanita, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meinzer, Sharen, Moody MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meinzer, Sharen, Viola AR, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melby, Ron & Joyce E, Bakersfield MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melinda's Bakery, Alton MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meling, Geo & Velma P, Alton MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mellen, Keith, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melott, F R & Joy, Brenham TX, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melrose, Brian, Lebanon MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Albert, Thayer MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Bill & Mona, Summersville MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Donna, Gatewood MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Eunice, Thayer MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, James A, Thayer MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Kennith E & L, Couch MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Mona, Summersville MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Robin, Bakersfield MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Stanley R, Summersville MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Steve, Thayer MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, Tommy, Edgemont SD, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melton, W David & Becky, Mountain Grove MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melvin, Bonnie, Pomona MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melvin, John & Deena, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Melvin, Wesley D, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Menard, Joe, Winona MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mencl, Dawn L, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mencl, Ron, Pottersville MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mendenhall, Belinda, Thayer MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mendenhall, Dennis, Alton MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mendenhall, Dennis E, Alton MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mendenhall, Johnny & B, Thayer MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mendenhall, Willard, Summersville MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Menolascino, Frank, Vanzant MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Menolascino, Frank & Te, Rogersville MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Menolascino, Peter & M, Sanger TX, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Menz, Brian & Shelly, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mercantile Bank Of W, Willow Springs MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mercer, Alvin, Granite City IL, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mercer, Marvin R, Salt Lake City UT, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mercer, Natalie, Birch Tree MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mercer, Natalie, Thayer MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meredith, A T, Mountain View MO, $475 - $400 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Merglewski, Kevin, Tecumseh MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Merglewski, Virginia, Tecumseh MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mero, Sandy, Mammoth Spring AR, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Merrill, Elma, Birch Tree MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Merrill, Joann B, Pomona MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Merritt, Roy & Thelma, Peace Valley MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mersch, Ronald L, Springfield MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Merz, Kenneth, Thayer MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mesa, Theresa, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Messer, Tracie, Tecumseh MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Messex, Sara, Pomona MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Messex, Sara, Pomona MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Methodist Church, Alton MO, $275 - $300 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Methodist Church, Birch Tree MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Methodist, Church, Birch Tree MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Metroz, Louis E, Birch Tree MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Metz, Angela, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Metz, Bruce, Alton MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Metz, Robt D & Dorothy, Davenport FL, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Metz, Ted E, Clinton MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Metz, Ted E (Ii), Clinton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Metzler, Susie, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyer, Bruce & Angela, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyer, Cristy M, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyer, Patricia L, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyer, Paul & Cristy, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyer, Philip C & Joan, Willow Springs MO, $325 - $350 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyer, Wanda, Winona MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyers, Eric, Alton MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyers, Eric & C, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyers, George, Ellsinore MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Meyers, Jeff & Charlott, Delaware OK, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mfa, Tel-O-Auction, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Michael, Gary, Eminence MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Michel, Rhonda L, Willow Springs MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mickey, Sharon D, Springfield MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mid Way Truck Stop, Thayer MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mid-Am Meat Prod Inc, Tecumseh MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mid-America Meat Pro, Tecumseh MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Middleton Dairy, West Plains MO, $475 - $400 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Middleton, David W, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Middleton, Garland, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Midway Cafe, Thayer MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Midway Truck St, Koshkonong MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Midway Truck Stop, West Plains MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miles, Lee & Peggy, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miles, Norman, Alton MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Millbrandt, Allison, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Ada L, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Amara, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Amy L, Birch Tree MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Belinda J, Lincoln NE, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Brad, Thayer MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Brandi A, Mountain View MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Carl O & Cath, Moscow Mills MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Cecil O, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Charles (Jr), West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Charles E, Koshkonong MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Cleo, Birch Tree MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, David, Willow Springs MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, David L & Danielle A, Ozark MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Don K, Alton MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Douglas & Faye, Mountain View MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, E Susan, Thayer MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, E Susan, Thayer MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Eddie, Bakersfield MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Eddie & Nanette, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Edna, Cassville MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Edward & Shelvi, Drury MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Eric, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Erma, Thayer MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, George, Park City KS, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, George E, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Hobert & Cathy, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, James & Mary, Gainesville MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, James & Pauline, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Jerre, Mountain Grove MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Jerrel, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Jerrel, West Plains MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Jerrel W & Glad, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Joe F & Cathy, Cabool MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, John & Edna, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Julie A, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Karen, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Keturah E, Santee CA, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Larry, Peace Valley MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Larry & Debra, West Plains MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Louise, Mayflower AR, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Marion C, Mahomet IL, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Mary Kathlee, Bakersfield MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Mary Lou, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Natalie, Koshkonong MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Philip & N, Pottersville MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Randy & Crystal, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Ray & Hazel, Eminence MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Roger, Eminence MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Ryan & Stephanie, Alton MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Samuel A, Alton MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Samuel A, Alton MO, $450 - $475 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Sandra, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Scott & Elizabe, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Susan E, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Thelma, Alton MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Thelma, Alton MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Thelma, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Tom & Mary, Willow Springs MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, Tommy, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, William, Pomona MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, William, Plato MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Miller, William F, Peace Valley MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Milligan, Daniel & Jean, Myrtle MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Milliken, Pat, Mountain View MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Millraney, Raymond & Ja, Willow Springs MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mills, Glen, Thayer MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mills, Hade, Thayer MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mills, James & Janice, Myrtle MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mills, Lonnie & Patricia, Thayer MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mills, Noel & Margaret, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Millsap, Lois, Alton MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mincher, Tom, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mincks, James & Dixie, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Minge, Gary & Joan, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Minge, James & Michelle, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Minge, Larry & J, Moody MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Minge, Lee & Carrie, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mings, Calvin E & Robyn D, Pocahontas AR, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mini Mart #7, West Plains MO, over $500 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mini Mart #7, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Minich, Mildred, Alton MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Minnich, Joe D & Betty, Alton MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Misenhelter, Keith, Arlington TN, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Missouri So Bank, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Cheryl L, Mountain View MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Chet, Dora MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Derrick, Mountain View MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Derrick, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Donald & Lisa, Caulfield MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Eugene & Imogene, Dalzell IL, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Guy, Ironton MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Imogene, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Irene V, Henning TN, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Jeff, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, John & June, Lakeside CA, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Marvin & G, Mountain View MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Mary, Koshkonong MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Rickey, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Robt D & Pat, Thayer MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Tom, Richardson TX, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, Velma L, Richardson TX, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchell, William & Marie, Mountain View MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchem, Brad & Pamela, Winona MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchener, Mearl & Lois, Fenton MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitchener, Tracy Lee, Alton MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mittendorf, Glen, Thayer MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mittlestedter, Ernest, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitts, James L, West Plains MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitts, James R & Nita, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitts, Leon R, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitts, Ray W & Ella, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mitts, Tim & Anita, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mize, Jerry, Wynne AR, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mize, Jerry & Kaye, Wynne AR, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mizell, James B, Pomona MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mizer, Chet, Birch Tree MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mizer, Judith, Mountain View MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mizer, Loren, Birch Tree MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mlc, Constructio, Peace Valley MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mo Conservation, Salem MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mo Dnr Grand Gluf St, Thayer MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mo Hardwood Flooring, Chesterfield MO, over $500 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mobile City M H, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mobile City M H P, Pineville MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mobile Home Super Ce, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mobley, J D & Colene, Alton MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mock, C R, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mock, Imogene, Couch MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mock, Lester J, Alton MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mock, Rebecca, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mock, Robert & Norma, Theodosia MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Modisette, Marce, Tecumseh MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moerschel, Daniel, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moerschel, Walter & B, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moffatt, Benjamin, Thayer MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moffitt, David R, Farmersville IL, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mohnke, Mel & Susan, Mount Vernon MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mon-Rock Ranch, Tomball TX, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mon-Rock Ranch, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mon-Rock Ranch, Tomball TX, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Monadnock Lodge, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moncreif, Wm & N, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moncrief, Glenn M, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moncrief, William M, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moncrief, Wm & Nancy, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moncrief, Wm & Nancy, Pomona MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moncrief, Wm M & Nancy, West Plains MO, $275 - $300 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mondragon, Shirley, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Monello, Salvatore, Pomona MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Monson, Allen, Rochelle IL, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Montee, Ollie A, Bois D Arc MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Montgomery, Char, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Montgomery, Char, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Montgomery, Dennis & Ch, Mountain View MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Montgomery, Dennis & Ch, Mountain View MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Montgomery, Etta, Cheyenne WY, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moody, Edgie, Willow Springs MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moody, Glen & Aneal, Hardy AR, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moody, Lillie, Birch Tree MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moody, Noah, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moody, Tim I & Delia T, Birch Tree MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moody, W R, Caulfield MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moon, Ireta J, Koshkonong MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mooney, Bill, Eminence MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mooney, Bob & Kathlen, Thayer MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mooney, Donna J, Koshkonong MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mooney, Katie, Thayer MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mooney, Mary F, Thayer MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mooney, Wanda, Eminence MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mooney, Winferd & Mona, Eminence MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Andrew, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Audra, Saint Louis MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Betty J, Cabool MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Betty L, Doniphan MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Billy & Emma J, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Charles, Macomb MI, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Charles & Cather, Pomona MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Charles A, Marshall AR, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Chelmer & Virg, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, David L, Willow Springs MO, $250 - $275 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Donald V, Elwood IN, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Doris M, Cabool MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Dorothy, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, James A, Alton MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Jeffery, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Jerry & Wanda, Thayer MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, John & Lossie, Licking MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Julie, Willow Springs MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Kim, Willow Springs MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Larry C, Mountain View MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Lois M, West Plains MO, $325 - $350 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Matt & Rhonda, West Plains MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Matt & Rhonda, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Max & Betty, Caulfield MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Max & Betty, Ottumwa IA, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Michael, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Michael & Caroly, Mountain View MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Michael J & Iva, Mountain View MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Michell, Pomona MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Murray (Sr), Pomona MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Murray L (Sr), Pomona MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Paul & Darlene, Victorville CA, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Ralph & Velma, Altoona KS, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Robt L & Adeline, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Scott & Me, Willow Spgs MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Sharon, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, Wanda L, Thayer MO, $250 - $275 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moore, William, Caulfield MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moorhead, Lawrence, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moorhead, Otis & Betty, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moorhead, Otis G, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moorhead, R D & Elsa, Springfield MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moors, Julie, Sycamore MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moran, Bob & Jes, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Alan & Lori, Willow Springs MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Beth, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Bobby, Alton MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Donna J, Eminence MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Donna J, Eminence MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Gerald & Barbar, Cabool MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Gerald D & Barb, Cabool MO, $200 - $225 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, J P & Lorene, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, James & Tina, Myrtle MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Margaret, Mountain Home AR, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Mildred, Mountain View MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Pat, Mountain View MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Patricia, West Plains MO, $275 - $300 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Patti A, Washington IL, $300 - $325 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Rickie, Pottersville MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Robert & Dawn, Springfield MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Robert & Penny, Thayer MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morgan, Ryan D, Moody MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morningland Dairy, Mountain View MO, over $500 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morrell, Sheri L, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Bonnie J, Thayer MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Calvin D, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Chester, Alton MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, David & Marilyn, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Delbert C, Alton MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Earl & Mahalia, Pomona MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Eric, Pomona MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Gary & Doris, Willow Springs MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Gary & Tracy, Willow Springs MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, J C, Bakersfield MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, John & Freda, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Joseph C, Gamaliel AR, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Kevin & Marla, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Michelle Lynn, Mountain Grove MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Rickey L & Mary, Tecumseh MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Robert W, Willow Springs MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Susan J, Koshkonong MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, Teresa, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, William L, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morris, William L, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morrison, Anna J, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morrison, Gene H & C, Belle Center OH, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morrison, Mary H, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morrison, Roger L, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morrison, Stanton & Don, Springfield MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morrison, Stanton R & D, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morrison, Steve, Springfield MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morrissey, John J, Anna TX, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morton, Myrle, Pontiac MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Morton, Roy & Irma, Arvada CO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moseley, Tim & Valerie, Vanzant MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moser, Chris, Willow Springs MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moskalenko, Vasi, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moskolenko, Vasily, Portland OR, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mosley, Clinton L, Wentzville MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Accounting & Tax, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Allen & Elisha, Peace Valley MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Charles & Janolyn, Caulfield MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Chas E & Louwana, Pottersville MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Eddie & No, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Edward & Nikki, Koshkonong MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Inis, Dora MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, J L & Sandra, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Kenny & Gail, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Minnie O, Mountain Grove MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moss, Vicki L, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Motsenbocker, Harley, Summersville MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Moulds, Tammy, Birch Tree MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mowery, Jewell, West Plains MO, $250 - $275 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Msitopen Contractors, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Msitopen, Develo, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Msitopen, Develo, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mtn, View Charcoal, Mountain View MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mueller, Elwood, Carmine TX, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mueller, Geo A & Nora, Springfield MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Muiller, Scott E, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mulford, Angie, West Plains MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mullanack, Lonnie, Drury MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mullanack, Morgan, Mountain Grove MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mullen, Donald P (Jr), Cypress TX, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mullen, Zerel, Caulfield MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mullins, Bobby, Mountain View MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mullins, Fred & Flossie, Bakersfield MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mullins, Harold D & Del, Sinclair WY, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mullins, J G & Lillie M, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Mulvihill, Wm & Edith, Alton MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murdock, Clinton & Chloe, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murdy, Dwight & Hallie, Chillicothe MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murdy, Sharon, Willow Springs MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Christi, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Don & Diane, Theodosia MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Glenna, Birch Tree MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, John R, Birch Tree MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Judy, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Michael & Carla, Birch Tree MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Nathan, Alton MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Ray & Amy, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Regina, West Plains MO, $5 - $10 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Robert & Verna, Birch Tree MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Robert D, Birch Tree MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Suzie, Dyess AR, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Suzie, Birch Tree MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Velinda R, Birch Tree MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Vera, Peace Valley MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murphy, Virgil & Vedra, West Plains MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murray, Billy & Marjie, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murray, Darwin & Dawn, West Plains MO, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murray, Glenn E, Pomona MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murray, Marjorie, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murrell, Dorothy M, Willow Springs MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murrell, Harlan & Olive, Elkhart KS, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murrell, Oren, Willow Springs MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murrell, Sarah, Willow Springs MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Murrill, Darla, Caulfield MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Muse, Edward & Valarie, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Muse, Jennifer, West Plains MO, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Muse, Matthew, Pomona MO, $10 - $25 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Muse, Reva Sue, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myatt Dairy, West Plains MO, $350 - $375 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers Pharmacy, Alton MO, $225 - $250 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Bruce, Springfield MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Dennis J, West Plains MO, $175 - $200 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Dennis J & Cynth, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Forrest C, Cedar Rapids IA, $125 - $150 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Jack, Winona MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Jeffrey D, West Plains MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Joey & Regina, Prairie Grove AR, less than $5 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Kenneth Floyd, Alton MO, $25 - $50 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Kevin & Andreann, West Plains MO, $75 - $100 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Patricia J, West Plains MO, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myers, Wanda, West Plains MO, $50 - $75 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myrick, Greg, Willow Springs MO, $100 - $125 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)
Myrick, Jack & Lori, Avondale AZ, $150 - $175 (retirement of 1997-1998 funds)