Facebook comments and emails are not monitored for outage reports. To report an outage, use the SmartHub app or this website (click "Report an Outage" at top-right and login or register). Due to the large number of storm related outages, our phones are overwhelmed; the SmartHub Website or SmartHub App is the fastest way to report your outage. The website is compatible with smartphones.

SmartHub can only be used to report your own outage; please do not try to report an outage for a family member at another location.

Once you log into SmartHub, if you are part of a known outage it will show you that we are already aware of it (see image below); if this is the case you do NOT need to submit a report (in fact, the app will not allow you to submit a duplicate report).

known outage

Please use SmartHub only for reporting outages; during this large situation, sending notices that the power is blinking only adds inaccurate data to our outage system. Our focus right now is to restore power to all with outages first.

If you are having difficulties getting registered for SmartHub, it is possible that you or another family member has already registered for your account (only one SmartHub registration is available for each electric account).  Clicking "Can't access your account?" on the SmartHub Web login page will allow you to recover the email address used to register your account, or to reset a forgotten password if you have the email address.